Theta vs. Reiki: What’s Good?

A comparison between the healing properties of Theta Healing and Reiki Healing

Thoughtful Thorough
5 min readJan 16, 2020
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Theta and Reiki can be both highly effective healing practices that work with your energy and the energy of the Universe, All that Is, God, etc. Theta is a practice by which one uses the power of All That Is to command, observe, and co-create new beliefs and manifestations in one’s own life. Reiki can be used to shift energy, through the connection with God and humanity, so that both can work in tandem, to create harmony. Both practices are a transmutation of energy. Both are alchemic in their own right. As someone who has used these practices at various points of healing in my life; both have varying affects and effects. This article is a compare and contrast of the healing modalities. Particularly, as they apply to my own experiences, as someone who has suffered from anxiety over the years.


Reiki healing is a form of attunement. It attunes the chakras, particularly the main seven energy forces in the body. It also attunes the body’s energy with God. Reiki is a 2500 year old Tibetan / Buddhist healing practice. It is a process by which the practitioner lays hands on / over the body, focusing on the seven main chakras to bring harmony back into them. The practitioner works there way down through the body, starting with the crown and third eye chakras. These are located at the top of one’s head and forehead respectively. They tend to finish at the feet, providing the energy of groundedness.


Reiki is incredibly relaxing; and can make one feel light and airy after a session. It removes energetic imprints of trauma and pain. It can be a good healing practice used whilst one is attending therapy. Whilst it is great to speak to a licensed psychologist / psychiatrist; the energy of the pain and trauma one experienced can still be residing deep inside the body. Once the suffering is identified, or the dirt pulled up from the carpet, aka the mind; Reiki can be used as the vacuum that removes that dirt, from the body. Reiki can balance one’s chakras. This can give a feeling of inner balance and peace.


Reiki requires maintenance and practice. Once one interacts with the world, whether it is through the stress from personal situations and/ or dealing with others, one’s chakras can get misaligned. Reiki is a good practice, if one would like to get your Reiki attunement and start healing yourself. If one relies on a practitioner solely, I would suggest regular ‘Reiki top ups’. Reiki can remove energies rooted from trauma; but, does not give one the understanding of how the trauma began. Nor does it give one an understanding of the thoughts and belief systems deriving from negative experiences they have personally lived through or inherited. Reiki is a great healing practice; however, I believe it can be most effective with other forms of healing. I experienced Reiki after I underwent therapy. I had already identified a lot of where my trauma had stemmed from. However, a few days after my sessions, my anxiety would return, and I did not understand why. I understood on a conscious level where it was all stemming from. However, I did not know how to remove those limiting beliefs that resided deep in my subconsciousness, continuing to fuel my anxiety.

Photo by Tayla Jeffs on Unsplash

Theta Healing

Theta Healing is a form of awakening. It awakens and activates one’s own theta brain waves, utilised within a deep relaxed state. Theta healing identifies four levels of beliefs one accumulates over lifetimes. Core beliefs are those that start from birth to 7 years old. These tend to be from your parents; and, they can transfer from one’s mother, whilst in the womb. Genetic beliefs are those that can be programmed through one’s genes. They can be passed down through ancestry. Historical beliefs are those that can be passed down through past lives. Soul beliefs are those beliefs that represent who we are at the core. They can be beliefs we hold close to our hearts. Through a process of connecting up through the seven planes of existence (humans and other lifeforms, as we know them, reside on the 3rd); we can command Source, or the Creator of all that is, to identify limiting beliefs and extract them from our DNA. Through observing the changes within us; limiting beliefs and negative thoughts can be cancelled, and transmuted into healing energy.


Theta Healing is probably one of the most rewarding healing experiences. One connects into a theta state by accessing the deepest of one’s own subconscious. Therefore, when one has experienced trauma that has lead to embedded limiting beliefs, one can access them and watch the healing take place. I experienced where, on a conscious level, I had rationalised my feelings about a traumatic situation that happened in childhood. My conscious mind was healed and was no longer suffering. When I went into theta, and went through a process of muscle testing, (a body test to check one’s subconscious beliefs), I was not over my past trauma. Through the healing I was able to completely cancel / delete the beliefs associated with the trauma of my childhood. They were then replaced with more positive beliefs. With theta healing, one can access all aspects of one’s own body. It can provide healing to sicknesses and chronic ailments. A lot of sicknesses stem from belief systems that feed the sickness. I suffered from a digestive disease that stemmed from limiting beliefs around eating and how I looked to others. The healing reversed the need to rely on that sickness; and the sickness dissipated. Theta gives a deeper understanding for: one’s own beliefs, where they come from, and teaches us to cancel + delete negative beliefs. From this type of healing, one can better achieve a life they desire; free from the mental constraints we have put on ourselves.


Theta requires practice and further study, as a beginner. Working with an experienced theta healer, who knows how to counsel one through a session, is advisable. One can work on themselves and shift their own belief systems once they have connected up. However, asking the right questions and getting to the root of the belief is difficult without proper guidance from an experienced healer. Though, with time, one is capable of identifying these limiting beliefs with more ease. This does take continuous and diligent practice.

By now, you can guess that I highly recommend Theta Healing. Particularly, for a more holistic approach to healing past trauma. The practice digs deep into one’s own history, genetics, core, and soul to understand themselves. It pinpoints the beliefs that one can’t understand with their conscious mind and plucks them away. It is like a reset button. Where Reiki is the vacuum to the body and mind; Theta is the carpet cleaner. It penetrates your energy and removes it completely. For anyone who has undergone both or either forms of healing, I would love to hear your views and experiences.

[I have received my Reiki attunement and Theta DNA Level 1.]



Thoughtful Thorough

Yoga teacher, world traveler, and writer deconstructing politics, economics, entrepreneurship, spirituality, and culture.